Full mouth Rehabs with Smylist®
Smylist® makes very effective use of digital technology to implement its logical
and rational concepts to make a full mouth rehabilitation simpler and faster. It is
possible that a 28 teeth rehab is completed with deprogramming and prosthetic
restoration of all the teeth within four to five visits of the patient. Once a
proper diagnosis regarding the rotation is arrived at with the help of the
Staticus, the
Smylist® Aesthetic
Design Software
makes it possible to virtually create the maxillary teeth on the basis of the
individual midline, the occlusal plane and geometrical map of the face. This can be
be completed in 15 minutes on the patients photographs and exported for use with
the Smylist Lab Software.
deprogramming is carried out in a short
visit and the Smylist® bite is recorded. The maxillary teeth are
designed on the Smylist® software and reproduced on a CAD CAM
laboratory system. The
mandibular teeth have to be built up to match the maxillary teeth with a canine
and incisor stop. The relation of the maxilla and mandible is established by the
Smylist® bite.

There are multiple options for restoring the damaged teeth. Teeth can be restored directly with composites, with onlay and table tops, with full crowns or a mix of these materials or with ortho treatment using traditional wires of aligners. It might involve prepping the teeth or it could be a prepless approach. Smylist® leaves this decision with the clinician. Irrespective of the material and method choices the process will remain the same. The primary objective is to bring the mandible into the G space, recreate the maxillary teeth with Smylist® principles of midline, occlusal plane and W.A.C.P and then restore the mandibular teeth to follow the maxillary in its BMP position.