The human body is a vertically upright bilateral shaped entity with a musculo skeletal system which is interconnected from top to bottom. The mandible is a unique bone in the skeletal system which is single and mobile but bilaterally connected to the two sides of the skeletal system. The condyles sit in the glenoid fossa and work in unison. The muscles involved are the masticatory, the mimic muscles and the tongue. These muscles can impact the rest of the musculo skeletal system all the way down to the feet. If fact Smylist® has elegantly compared the musculo skeletal system as a spider's web. A slight tug at any place in the web and it causes a distortion in the entire web. Similarly an undue and asymmetrical over contraction of one of the muscles associated with the mandible creates an effect all the way down to the feet.
Studies have shown that the human body compensates for such tugs on the musculo skeletal system. The pattern of compensation depends on body physiognomy, anatomy, habits and muscle status of an individual. Smylist® believes that the immediate effect of a "rotated" mandible is a change in the muscles (stretching and contraction) and the posture. This happens almost as a reflex action to keep the body as comfortable as possible and maintain the center of gravity. An improper posture causes various muscles of the body to come into play and try to create an overall balance in the entire body. This leads to certain joints getting over loaded, some specific muscles getting over streteched and some getting into a spasm. The rotated mandible has an asymmetrical effect on its associated muscles, which in turn impact further connected muscles and so on and so forth. This chain of events can be observed and followed all the way to the feet.
The Smylist® diagnostic device, the Staticus provides an instant report on the body balance with the balance index score. The objective of Smylist® therapy is to enhance this score as much as possible. The Staticus report also shows the type, extent and severity of the associated mandibular rotation based on the chain of events. Thus, the Staticus becomes an invaluable tool to the dentist. In fact, it goes one step forward and assists the dentist in getting the mandible into the desired position in the mouth.