Smylist® Aesthetic Concepts
Smylist® has redefined aesthetics of the
dentition with objectively applicable rules which are applied to the size, shape, position and inclination of the teeth to create very beautiful smiles. Smylist® goes one step further in amalgamating the smiles with function of the teeth and establish the balance of the body. Smylist® aesthetics are based on extremely logical and rational harmonization of the dentition with the face.
Smylist® has shown that human faces are not necessarily symmetrical in relation to the straight midline. This is the reason that Smylist® maps the face geometrically and plots specific horizontal lines and draws the vertical midline of the face. This midline is not necessarily straight. It may be sloped or curved. Based on the Smylist® concept, the occlusal plane is set to be perpendicular to the individual midline (straight, sloped or smooth). This is the key aspect that blends Smylist® Aesthetics with Smylist® function.
Smylist® aesthetics harmonizes and relates the shape and form of the maxillary anterior teeth with the face and this process is called the geometrical face mapping. A number of attributes on the face are used as the basis to define the features of the anterior teeth. This ensures that the smile looks extremely aesthetic and pleasing. In fact, the Smylist® method called the W.A.C.P (White Aesthetic Conscious Preplanning) lays down a number of rules (the 8 aesthetic and functional parameters) which are used in the smile design.
Smylist® also harnesses digital technology to the fullest and has created the
Smylist® Aesthetic Design Software which aids the dentist in creating a virtual smile in a matter of minutes. The virtual smile is created on a photograph of the patients face directly. The software also generates before/after images for the patient to be able to visualize the proposed smile without having touched the teeth.