Getting Smylist Treatment
Treatments are given in four steps:
1. Taking the Staticus test gives a detailed diagnosis of the body imbalance and the malposition of the mandible.
2. The specially trained Smylist® Dentist then manually palpates the mandible which is called “Deprogramming”. This process is completely non-invasive and painless. The objective of these solutions is to bring the mandible into its ideal desirable position and relax all the involved muscles.
3. Once the correct mandibular position is achieved through this special palpation process, a wax model of the new position is prepared, based on which, a customised device called the ‘Positioner’ is created. This is an innovation from Smylist®. This Positioner only has to be worn at night while sleeping at night.
4. Your Smylist® dentist will give you the option of getting a positioner fabricated as well as complete rehabilitation. This involves building up the maxillary and mandibular teeth so that the mandible is guided to the correct place by the restored teeth.
"Harmony is the essence of our existence and I always strive to achieve and create it in all facets of life" ..... Dr. Maria Csillag