This conference opens with one of the most advanced topics of the Smylist concept - Ganthoaeging.
Creating a digital smile and making it into an Instant Real Smile
A look into how the facial muscles define the kind of rotation the mandible is having. Each muscle presents a story of the type of asymmetrical forced generated by the various muscles around the face. Once experienced, a Smylist dentist can easily diagnose the type of mandibular rotation based on the way the Facial muscles present.
The musculoskeletal system is a very intricate network of connections from head to toe. This muscular network also has its network of neural innervaions. This presentaiton is a unique look at some of these pathways originating from the mandible. ali
The concluding session of the conference will be presented by Dr. Maria Csillag and he will showcase how she has visualized the establishment of Smylist dentistry in everyday dentistry and everday medicine. She will present what she sees as happening around the world and how soon Smylist concepts will become the norm in the dental world.