There is only one option for this Smylist conference. The charges are inclusive of GST charges. The regisration fees of Rs 2,000/- is applicable only till the 15th of March, 2025. The charges are inclusive of the the full scientific program, a poster presentation as well lunch on both the days of the conference.

The registration fees will increase by Rs 250/- after the 15th of March, 2025. We have only 150 places for the registration. Book your seat at the early bird price by registering at the earliest. All dentist can register here for making an online registration. Click here to make a payment if you have already completed your registration.

All Interns of YMT Dental as well as the PG students have a very special offer and should do block booking by contacting Dr. Vaibhav Kumar from the Community Department once an online registration has been completed. Please ensure that the registration is completed by all Interns and PG students.